Alumni Corner- Re-Entry: The World After Treatment

  Alumni and Family, Testimonials, Eating Disorder Relapse, Blog

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”                               ~John Pierpont Morgan

A space shuttle flight crew returning to earth cannot kick back, cross their fingers, and simply hope re-entry works out.  The flight crew must access their extensive training, check and double check all variables, meticulously plan the re-entry, and stay in communication with professionals trained to help them in order to be successful.

Similarly, there comes a time when you leave residential treatment and plan “re-entry” to your actual life.  Despite feeling hopeful and prepared, it can be frightening to leave behind the safety, structure and support of residential treatment.    When I returned home from Alsana in February 2012, I quickly learned that re-entry demanded my attention and respect.

There were difficult things about re-entry that I hadn’t anticipated.   Many places, including my own home, seemed unfamiliar.  I felt unsure about contacting friends.  I felt out of place everywhere I turned.  The world seemed huge and overwhelming and unpredictable.

It was important at that point to follow the example of a space shuttle crew and use all my resources.  I saw my therapist and dietitian multiple times per week.  I re-read my relapse prevention plan, and gave copies of it to people who would hold me accountable.   I continued to journal and write, as well as express myself through art and other mediums.  I involved my family in recovery.  Rather than asking them to “support” me, I asked them to do very specific things.  For example, one helped with menu ideas, while another helped with grocery shopping.  We implemented a “feelings check in” where each family member would share their feelings under two rules:  feelings must be honestly stated, and no fixing other people’s feelings.  Some of those check-in’s proved to be quite interesting!  Most importantly, I was patient with myself.  I limited my responsibilities and allowed my confusing feelings.  I trusted that in time I would feel less overwhelmed, and looking back now I can see that being patient with my process was the perfect homecoming gift.

~ C.W.



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