How to be a Recovery Advocate on Campus

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Eating disorders are equal opportunity offenders; they do not discriminate based on gender, race, or sexual orientation. They also do not discriminate based on age, though it may surprise you to learn that many people who suffer from eating disorders are college-aged. In fact, statistics show that a quarter of all college-age women and men use binging or purging as weight management techniques.

Eating disorders are prevalent on college campuses—which means that advocacy should be, as well. If you are in recovery, have ever been in recovery, know someone who struggles with an eating disorder, or simply have a passion for standing up for those in need, then consider being a recovery advocate on your college campus.

What does this entail, exactly? Start by getting educated. Make sure you know what eating disorders are, and what they are not. The Alsana blog is a great resource to start with. In particular, make sure you understand that eating disorders are diagnosable illnesses—not voluntary choices. Note also that they stem from issues of stress and trauma, and are not really about food.

Something else you can do is share your story. Has an eating disorder touched your life, or the life of someone you care about? Speak openly about it if you can; hearing your story may be empowering to others.

Also understand what those who have eating disorders need from you. They don’t need you to judge them, to be pushy about food or diet choices, or to be hard on them when they stumble. What they need is for you to love them and affirm them; to show them that they are worthy of love; and to encourage them, gently, to seek treatment.

That’s how you can be a positive influence on your campus—and a true ambassador for eating disorder recovery.

[cta] How have you been a recovery advocate? Share your success stories on Facebook! [/cta]


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