Alsana Reviews and Testimonials

Stories of Hope and Healing

The journey towards recovery and healing is deeply personal yet universally inspiring. Through the voices of our alumni, the reviews shared here of our eating disorder treatment programs are beacons of hope for many still navigating their paths. These Alsana reviews reflect a unique, courageous step taken towards reclaiming health, happiness, and self-acceptance. We invite you to explore these Alsana reviews, to feel the strength, resilience, and community that define the Alsana experience. Let these stories & testimonials inspire you, knowing that transformation is possible, and support is always within reach.

In Their Own Words

Let Alsana help you write your own story of hope and healing. We would like to be your eating recovery community. If you’re already a part of the Alsana community, we would love to hear from you. 

If you would like to leave a review for Alsana, please Contact Us Today.

  • I never thought recovery was possible for me, but Alsana showed me just how worthy and capable I was of a better life. I owe my life to them.

  • Coming to Alsana truly changed – and probably saved – my life. I’m so thankful to have been able to come here for treatment. I felt heard, seen, validated, and cared for by all the staff here.

  • I am beyond content with the life I have the pleasure of living right now, and I attribute this entirely to recovery.

  • The staff at Alsana proved to be extremely talented in the art and the skill of not colluding with my eating disorder while also not treating me as if  I was an eating disorder…There is an unbelievable amount of safety at Alsana because of this and my gratitude is crazy high!

  • I found authentic joy in things I used to reprimand myself for doing. I took, and continue to take pride in the progress I made and continue to make. Most importantly, I am now capable of self-acceptance and self-love whether I succeed, fail or anything in between.

  • Alsana providers led me through so much illuminating self-reflection about topics that I had never before considered relevant to my treatment, recovery, or self in general. Alsana staff appreciate and treat the individual, and I felt this in and outside of therapy sessions.

  • Alsana helped me develop a better understanding of my hunger fullness cues, learning that food wasn’t the only thing I could be hungry for and that it is okay to have the foods you like.

  • Alsana is and has been one of the most respecting and caring and safe places for me to go as a trans man all staff and clients respected me in ways that I’ve never been respected in before and I felt welcomed and safe to be myself.

  • Alsana gave me tools to help myself. I learned what was underneath my ED and also that I may never fully know its origin. I was given the space and opportunity to explore this and more. I’m still healing and will continue to put into action what I have learned. Very grateful for this program and the community and support it gave me.

  • FABULOUS. Loved the program, the pace, the DCs and therapists, and the groups!

  • I loved the format and the intensity of virtual IOP. I feel like my team actually cared and the session leaders as well. Would 100% recommend to anyone battling an eating disorder.

  • Alsana is a truly professional, organized, and compassionate organization and team. I have been impressed.

  • A crucial part of my experience in residential was the exploration of movement. I was given excellent support in this area. I learned a lot about my body by giving it rest and through the educational [group movement] sessions. I loved exploring the different experimental movements, feeling joy in participating in activities again, and trying new things.

  • This place truly made me leave with a smile. I felt like I was meant to be there. They deeply care about you and not just your eating disorder. All the staff is awesome and want the best for you! They have a rotating menu and also include client creations once a week which was so fun to engage in. They truly make it a less stressful environment.

  • I loved my experience in treatment because of all of the people I could relate to. I didn’t feel ashamed anymore…Aside from having my children, getting help and going to treatment is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself in my life! I now feed myself literally and figuratively and that’s the key!

    Rebecca A.
    Rebecca A.
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