Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders

No one chooses to have an eating disorder.
You can choose not to go through it alone.

therapist talking with Alsana client about eating disorder symptoms and recovery

Eating Disorder Behavioral Symptoms

  • Sudden interest in weight loss diets (e.g., keto) or specialized diets (e.g., no sugar)
  • Excessive/compulsive exercise
  • Binge eating
  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Laxative, diuretic, and/or diet pill abuse
  • Food chewing and spitting
  • Obsession with food cleanliness
  • Feeling overweight despite weight loss or low body weight
  • Impulsive or irregular eating habits
  • Insulin misuse (in individuals with diabetes)
  • Noticeable distress and feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt around food
woman doing yoga during movement group for binge eating disorder treatment

Eating Disorder Treatment Should Not Be Delayed

It is important to recognize the early signs of an eating disorder and seek treatment as soon as possible.

  • Eating disorders have some of the highest mortality rates of all mental illnesses.
  • In the United States, there are 10,200 deaths per year as a direct result of an eating disorder, equating to one death every 52 minutes.
  • Alcohol and substance abuse are four times more common among people with eating disorders.
  • Suicide is a major cause of mortality for individuals with eating disorders.
  • While women are more likely than men to struggle with eating disorders, all genders are impacted.
  • People of all races are affected, with BIPOC being half as likely to be diagnosed or to receive treatment.
  • People with eating disorders tend to experience symptoms for an average of six years before ever seeking treatment.
young woman using cell phone to look eating disorder symptoms
woman on laptop sitting on stairs looking for info on eating disorder symptoms and recovery programs

We’re Here to Help

Individuals with eating disorders tend to experience eating disorder symptoms for an average of six years before seeking help, and only one in ten people with an eating disorder seek and receive treatment at all.

Many are afraid to reach out due to stigma, denial, past negative experiences, or confusion about their symptoms.

These statistics are disheartening, but recovery is possible – even probable – for individuals who recognize the signs and symptoms of eating disorders and seek the help they need as soon as possible.

Live Chat

You don’t have to do this alone. We are here for you. Chat with a compassionate counselor today. If you’re experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder, we’re here to give you the help you need and support you on your journey to recovery.

happy woman in successful treatment for anorexia after learning about eating disorder symptoms

Contact Us

We’re here to support you while you regain balance.

Adaptive Care Model®

Alsana's Adaptive Care Model for eating disorder recovery

We know eating disorder treatment is not one-size-fits-all. Alsana’s Adaptive Care Model® reflects our integrative approach to eating disorder treatment. We focus on each client’s total health and well-being by empowering these areas: medical, therapeutic, nutrition, movement, and relational practices.

Our leadership and treatment teams work collaboratively to develop, train, and create consistency within all of our clinics. Within this framework, we put the client first, offering essential tools, compassion, and support as they work towards full eating disorder recovery.

medical treatment icon- 2 hands showing support

Medical Treatment

We heal bodies and minds.

Nutrition Icon for Alsana's Adaptive Care Model


We believe in and practice all-inclusive nutrition.

Yoga icon to represent movement in Alsana's Adaptive Care Model for Eating Disorders


We support movement for every body.

Theraputic Icon representing compassion in Alsana's Adaptive Care Model


We cultivate compassion.

Relational icon for Alsana's Adaptive Care Model for Eating Disorder Recovery


We are accepting of all lived experiences.

In Their Own Words

Find out what some of our former clients have to say about Alsana.

  • The staff at Alsana proved to be extremely talented in the art and the skill of not colluding with my eating disorder while also not treating me as if  I was an eating disorder…There is an unbelievable amount of safety at Alsana because of this and my gratitude is crazy high!

  • I found authentic joy in things I used to reprimand myself for doing. I took, and continue to take pride in the progress I made and continue to make. Most importantly, I am now capable of self-acceptance and self-love whether I succeed, fail or anything in between.

  • Alsana providers led me through so much illuminating self-reflection about topics that I had never before considered relevant to my treatment, recovery, or self in general. Alsana staff appreciate and treat the individual, and I felt this in and outside of therapy sessions.


We will support you in finding your balance, purpose and possibilities. Welcome to Alsana. We are so glad you found us.

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