Download Alsana's 2022

Treatment Outcomes Report

Demonstrating the Efficacy of the Adaptive Care Model®

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Download Alsana's 2022
Treatment Outcomes Report

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Explore Alsana's holistic*, evidence-based approach to eating disorder treatment for lasting recovery.

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headshot of Alsana client with testimonial quote
2022 Outcomes Booklet Perception of Care page thumbnail
Alsana Client Creation Tuna Bowl
2022 Outcomes Booklet Demographics page thumbnail
Alsana Westlake Village Movement Group - Enjoying a game of handball

☑Client Testimonials

☑Treatment Outcomes Data

☑Perception of Care Results

Alsana Leadership and treatment teams work collaboratively to develop, train, and create consistency across all programs and clinics. Within this client-first framework, our care embodies a holistic approach, offering hope, healing, and the keys to full recovery.

*Alsana takes an individualized, whole-person approach to eating disorder treatment, however it is not considered a form of holistic medicine.

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