Kristen is an Associate Clinical Social Worker specializing in the treatment of eating disorders from a person-first, strengths-based perspective. With over 10 years in social services, she brings with her a wealth of experiences contributing to her work as a therapist. Kristen has devoted the last five years of her career to gaining experience in the field of eating disorders working at some of the most prominent clinics in the Los Angeles area.
Kristen operates from a values-based approach to help clients guide themselves towards a life that is free from cognitive dissonance and more centered around their authentic selves. She has expertise in treating comorbid trauma and substance use disorders. Kristen is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and uses this therapy and other trauma-informed approaches such as TF-CBT and a narrative approach to work towards detangling unhelpful or problematic cognitive patterns.
She also incorporates mindfulness, somatic work, and DBT to help patients access their own internal capacity to regulate and cope. Kristen understands the nuanced process that is required in the treatment of eating disorders. Working from a holistic, person-in-environment approach helps her to guide clients in their own process of self-determination. She believes that the value of the therapeutic alliance, working in harmony and compassion, inspires healing for those who are recovering. The goal, then, is that clients develop a sense of their own autonomy, individuality, and authentically empowered self.