Tyeler Viel

National Director of Outreach | she/her/hers

    Tyeler received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from San Diego State in 2005 and a Masters in Marital Family Therapy from The University of San Diego in 2007, getting licensed in 2009. Before joining Alsana Tyeler, spent ten years working in various therapeutic settings and private education.

    Growing up in a small Northern California mountain town provided her with a unique perspective on food. Once a month, she and her sisters would pile into the car, with ice chests at their feet, to make the two-hour trip over the mountains to the “big city” to get groceries for the month. It was always worth the drive because they would find delicious cheeses, exotic fruits, and artisan bread along with other items that they didn’t have in their local grocery back home. Those memories remain vivid and play an integral part in how she now helps clients who are healing their relationship with food through supportive and holistic treatment they need.

    Tyeler is often regarded as a people person. She loves meeting new people and bringing people together. Her loved ones would probably mention how much she enjoys planning fun gatherings through her unique perspective on creativity. She has a deep passion for the mountains and now lives in Texas, where she can admire the flat prairie lands from her living room window. She is an Enneagram 2w3, which means she loves vulnerable conversations, one on one, and helping others. The work she gets to do at Alsana is purpose-driven, it’s a company she credits with “letting her light shine,” which allows her to be herself and truly make a difference.

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    Blake Romanini, National Nursing Director for Alsana | Eating Disorder TreatmentShelby Westbrook, Marketing Associate for Alsana | Eating Disorder Treatment