
Everyone needs to be loved—both by others and by themselves.

Often, it’s the self-love that is most difficult, especially for men. When you struggle with something like an eating disorder, it’s too easy to get caught up in feelings of shame or guilt, beating yourself up rather than being patient with yourself.

But you are worthy of love, from yourself first and foremost. As this Valentine’s Day approaches, perhaps it is as good a time as any to rekindle your own sense of self-worth. Spend some time taking care of yourself and learning to love every part of your being. Use these tips to help you get started.

  1. Start a daily self-love ritual. This may be as simple as setting aside some time to rub your feet with lotion, enjoy a good shave or something similar. The point is to be alone, and to pamper yourself.
  2. Make a gratitude list—a rundown of all the things going well in your life right now.
  3. Consider your body as a vessel deserving of love and care. Be intentional in showing it love and care through sound sleep and good nutrition.
  4. Clean and unclutter your space. Give yourself an environment in which you can thrive.
  5. Stop comparing your current self with your past self. Put the old yearbook photos away—for good.
  6. Devote more time to things you are good at.
  7. Find your happy place—an actual, physical environment that makes you feel good—and spend more time there.
  8. Invest in some clothes that will make you feel comfortable and confident.
  9. Devote your time to a loving, caring and encouraging community—not to people who bring you down.
  10. Stop blaming others for what you perceive as problems in your life.
  11. Celebrate your wins. Pat yourself on the back or buy yourself a reward for your next achievement.
  12. Take time to calm your mind each day, perhaps through meditation.
  13. Learn to say no to the things that compromise your self-love or disallow you to spend sufficient time with yourself.
  14. Forgive yourself.

Show some self-love today—and every day.

[cta]Men, what are your favorite ways to show self-love? Share them with us on Facebook![/cta]


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