Demi Lovato made her childhood acting debut in Barney & Friends and has gone on to pave her way in the entertainment industry as an actress and platinum-selling musical recording artist.  And, now she also adds inspirational author to her resume.  To those suffering from substance addiction and other mental health challenges -such as eating disorders – Lovato has come to stand for so much more.

She is a fighter, survivor, mentor, advocate and role model.

Lovato is tirelessly working to encourage women to speak up about their inner struggles with body image, and to help remove the stigma associated with eating disorders.  Through her recently penned book, Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year, Lovato takes readers on a year-long journey of daily affirmations and daily commitments to health, happiness and being, all cornerstones on her road to recovery in hopes that it will encourage others with their own mental health challenges.

Alsana’s clinical team applauds Lovato and her courage to open up about her struggles with eating disorders and substance abuse.  It hopes that by sharing her story, others will not be afraid or ashamed to take that first difficult step in seeking help towards recovery. There are resources and help is available.

Demi Lovato is currently in the midst of touring North America on her Neon Lights music tour.  She will be making a concert stop in St. Louis, MO on March 20,and Alsana has a chance for you to win tickets to the show.


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