Forgiveness- Supporting Yourself on the Path of Recovery


Forgiveness. It’s not easy. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult acts you do. It can also be the most rewarding. Marianne Williamson describes forgiveness, “Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.” In the case of eating disorders, it may be even more challenging to forgive when we recognize that we inflicted the pain on ourselves. Forgiveness is possible and necessary if we want long-term recovery.

Once you make it to treatment, you’ve been through a lot. You’ve already been through the hell of an eating disorder and your self-image and self-esteem likely have the scars to prove it. Learning to pay attention to your body, trust it’s messages, and appreciate it as a beautiful machine that serves you is a process. Years of shame, emotional or mindless eating, or negative self-talk don’t disappear overnight. But with time, courage, and perseverance, it does happen.

This is where forgiveness is your ally. In the time it takes you to learn new behavior, forgiveness can ease the path. Give yourself encouragement and praise as you learn. This is an action of forgiveness that reaps great rewards.

As you begin to feel emotions that you covered up with your eating disorder, forgiveness can be the calming formula that helps you through. Every time you feel a painful emotion stop and think about something you love or appreciate about yourself. Expressing gratitude paves the way for forgiveness. This will soon become a habit.

Surrendering old behavior and recognizing that we’ve been harming ourselves is a humbling experience. Forgiveness can help with this as well. When you feel defeated, distract yourself by reaching out to another and offering them love and forgiveness. This will change your attitude and you could be saving a life at the same time!

As Wayne Dyer says, “Forgiveness is For Giving.” Give some to yourself today!

Learning to love yourself through the pain of addiction and recovery is the bravest thing you’ll ever do. We can help you in the process. Let us be the guardians to your recovery. You can recover and have a great life. Call us today and begin the path to your best life!


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