The Connection Between Borderline Personality Disorder and Eating Disorders

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Borderline personality disorder and eating disorders can begin to appear first in adolescence and early adulthood, and can often co-occur together. It’s estimated 25 percent of individuals who have anorexia nervosa also have borderline personality disorder (BPD). Bulimia nervosa and BPD also have a 28 percent co-occurring prevalence rate, higher than the general rate for personality disorders.

What connects these two issues relates largely to temperament, which can be affected in a number of ways. Be it inherited characteristics, upbringing, social factors or traumatic events, an individual’s temperament and subsequently their ability to manage life’s challenges can influence their susceptibility to a mental health disorder. Childhood trauma is a common factor in the histories of many who struggle with eating disorders (ED’s) as well as people with BPD.

Individuals with borderline personality disorder often suffer from an instability in emotional and impulse regulation, self-image, and interpersonal relationships. These impulsive, self-destructive behaviors may be what makes individuals with BPD particularly vulnerable to developing an eating disorder. It’s likely, for example, that the impulsivity inherent in BPD can be expressed in binge eating episodes, followed by self- harm demonstrated through induced vomiting or other purging behaviors.

Co-occurring disorders can vary along gender lines as well. Research suggests men with BPD are more likely to seek treatment for a substance abuse disorder, while women with BPD tend toward eating disorders. (Women are also more likely to seek treatment for mood, anxiety or posttraumatic stress disorders.

The contributing factors of BDP and eating disorders are never black and white, or limited to a select list. While the crossover between the two tends to be greater than many people are aware, both co-occurring disorders are treatable and when treated together as part of a larger whole, there is the opportunity for long-lasting recovery.


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