Monica Nevarez, MSW, ACSW

Lead Therapist | she/her/hers

    Monica Nevarez is the lead therapist for the Westlake Village PHP/IOP location. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a minor in Criminology. She went on to earn her Master of Social Work from the University of Southern California, specializing in Children, Youth, and Families. Prior to joining Alsana, Monica’s experience includes community mental health, other treatment settings, corrections, and Emergency Response for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

    At Alsana, Monica is passionate about supporting clients achieve their goals through compassion, psychoeducation, and hope. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, photography, exploring nature, and going to sporting events.

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    Sasha Gordon, Program Dietician | Eating Disorder Treatment Los Angeles