Project HEAL, a not-for-profit organization that offers scholarship assistance for eating disorder treatment to people who cannot afford it, has added more than $30,000 to its coffers, thanks to Alsana Treatment Center’s highly successful inaugural golf tournament.  Alsana matched the $30,000 proceeds, thus doubling the funds available to help people who need life-saving treatment for their eating disorders. Funds can be used to underwrite the treatment cost or help family members travel to Alsana to participate in their loved one’s program. More than 80 golfers participated in the event, including an award dinner and a silent auction featuring artwork depicting the healing journey of recovery by former and current Alsana clients.

Eating Disorder Treatment Saves Lives

Nancy Albus, Alsana CEO, said the organization is committed to assuring that people who need treatment can receive it.

“We know eating disorder treatment can save lives,” Albus said. “We are deeply grateful to everyone who participated in the golf tournament – sponsors, donors, golfers and volunteers – to make it so successful.  This money will increase our compassionate staff’s opportunity to serve suffering people. We will work with Project HEAL to help heal lives broken by eating disorders. We are thrilled with the ability to help more people because of the generosity of people who supported our golf tournament.”

Statistics show that more than 30 million men and women in the United States experience eating disorders. The potentially fatal problem affects the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of the individual trying to cope with it. Alsana’s highly trained and caring staff works with individuals to design the best possible holistic treatment program.

Project HEAL started in 2008 and has raised more than $300,000 to provide grants. The organization also helps increase community awareness of eating disorders by providing educational programs.

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