Alumni Corner- A Fully balanced life

  Blog, Alumni and Family, Testimonials, Eating Disorder Relapse

R, a Alsana alumnus in treatment four years ago shares how she is living a full and balanced life today.

Even though going into treatment was the most difficult decision I’ve made in my life so far, I know it was the best choice I’ve ever made in my life.  This August, I will have four years in recovery under my belt.  My last relapse was in 2009.  Although I was disappointed I turned back to my eating disorder for two months, I was extremely proud that I quickly sought help and haven’t relapsed in the past three years.

My life has dramatically changed since I committed to recovery and decided to look forward rather than focus on the past.  I graduated college with a high GPA, and now I’m pursuing a masters in Communication and Information. Today, I just got offered a news producer position for an NBC affiliate, and I know I could have never achieved this without my experiences at Alsana.

Probably the best development in my life is my relationship with my boyfriend.  These past three years with him have been the best of my life.  He is so supportive of me and makes me feel beautiful and smart everyday.  He truly is the love of my life.

My relationships have never been better.  I have a great group of girlfriends.  For the first time in my life, I feel as though I have healthy and supportive relationships with not only my family but with my friends as well.  I have never been more productive, fulfilled and self-aware as I am today.  I feel like a different person.

Thank you so much for everything and for changing my life.  I hope each and everyone of you are doing well.  I miss all of you.  I want to thank you so much for letting me know you’re thinking of me.  I think of you and the lessons you taught me often.


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